Tag - motivation

This is 35.
Life in Full Bloom.
Bay Mine.
A fresh start. When things don’t go as planned.
When you’re smiling.
2016: The year of____________.
Pour me a glass of Haterade: When people try to steal your awesome.
I have to be honest…I’ve lost my AWESOME.

This is 35.

Those that know me… know I love birthdays. My birthday, your birthday, your friend’s birthday. BIRTHDAYS!!! Yes, you’ve been to my weeklong celebrations. But for some reason this year is different. 35 is definitely a hard year to swallow. I remember thinking 30 was a little scary, but this birthday forces me into a totally new age bracket— I am now “35 and over”, which spans from 35 until… I’m pretty sure, the end 😉   I really can’t tell which one is more horrifying…the actual number 35, or saying it out loud. Thirty- five. Thirty-five. No matter how you see[…]

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Life in Full Bloom.

I was having cocktails with one of my best friends the other night, going on and on about that new Beyoncé documentary on Netflix… you know, the one that chronicles everything that went into that unforgettable Coachella performance, (the show that was sooooo worth the midweek sleep deprivation). Anyhow, halfway through talking about the Blue Ivy appearance, I noticed she wasn’t listening to a word I said… HELLO!! Beyoncé … Blue Ivy…personal stories from the Queen Bey. How rude. I knew I wasn’t boring her with my conversation,  so why the hell was she not paying attention!? After calling her out on her[…]

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Bay Mine.

It’s the time of year for cards with red hearts, chocolates, lame teddy bears, flowers, heart shaped boxes of candy, forced dinner dates, and  public demonstrations of pure admiration. As you can tell, I have mixed feelings towards Valentine’s Day. Ya I know, how novel… a 30-something year old, independent woman that doesn’t like a day about couples and LOVE. Oh stop. No, I don’t sit home alone, belting out the new Ariana Grande album eating ice cream with a dozen cats.  I don’t like cats; And romantic hardship isn’t my reason for feeling blah about the holiday. Very much like why[…]

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A fresh start. When things don’t go as planned.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve had my life all mapped out, creating this perfect storyline for my future… “This is the career I will have, this is where I am going to live, these are the trips I’m going to take, these are the best friends I will have forever, this is the man I will marry, this is when I will reproduce a mini-me, this is where I will retire and live happily ever after” — all plans and dreams that I cherished and nurtured, holding close to my heart. I called it my interior blueprint and I[…]

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When you’re smiling.

Smiling! That’s something I love to do. No matter what. Smiling is contagious, and is more powerful than you might even know. Smiles set crooked things straight, for real. For starters, smiling is a sure way to brighten your day… I know you are trying it right now… see, smiling makes you feel instantly good. AND even better, has the ability to strengthen our immune system, regulate blood pressure and releases happy endorphins into our body. (I also think smiley people are a little more attractive and memorable as well). However, you, yes you, the average adult, only smiles on[…]

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2016: The year of____________.

It will go down as the year known for netflix and chill, Pokemon Go,  Gord Downie and the Secret Path, Beyonce’s lemonade, Facebook reactions, NHL playoff hero Matt Murray, crop tops, Donald Trump, snapchat filters, and the mannequin challenge… (along with a lot of other awesome and not so awesome things). 2016.  Also now being crowned as the “worst year ever”.  (Ummmm a little dramatic don’t you think??) Over the last couple of days I have seen social media explode about how much people want 2016 to end, how much they hate it… loathe it…oh the drama. Drama, drama, drammmmaaaaaa.[…]

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Pour me a glass of Haterade: When people try to steal your awesome.

Feeling small. We’ve all been there. I get you. It doesn’t matter how you choose to live your life — Whether you build a business from the ground up,  work your little butt off; maybe you’re a homebody, you love to cook, you might run triathlons, choose not to go to the gym, adopt rescue dogs, save lives on a daily basis; perhaps you dedicate endless hours giving back and volunteering; you are the next Mother Teresa for all we know; But what I do know — whatever you do, or don’t do, someone will still judge you for it. I wear[…]

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I have to be honest…I’ve lost my AWESOME.

I am in a slump. Yes, the woman who writes to you about being awesome and annoys you with post after post of motivational and inspiring quotes, is in a slump, and even worse, can’t get out!!! It’s true, even the most motivated of us — you, me, Oprah Winfrey — can feel unmotivated at times. In fact, sometimes we get stuck in such a slump that even thinking about digging our way out seems too difficult, even impossible. I have to admit, I’m feeling pretty low about myself. It’s gotten so bad, that at this point I’ve  worn a[…]

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