Archive - 2016

2016: The year of____________.
Pour me a glass of Haterade: When people try to steal your awesome.
Owning your Awesome: Being comfortable in your own skin.
Maybe Age Really is JUST a NUMBER
Put more spring in your life: Clear out the clutter
I have to be honest…I’ve lost my AWESOME.

2016: The year of____________.

It will go down as the year known for netflix and chill, Pokemon Go,  Gord Downie and the Secret Path, Beyonce’s lemonade, Facebook reactions, NHL playoff hero Matt Murray, crop tops, Donald Trump, snapchat filters, and the mannequin challenge… (along with a lot of other awesome and not so awesome things). 2016.  Also now being crowned as the “worst year ever”.  (Ummmm a little dramatic don’t you think??) Over the last couple of days I have seen social media explode about how much people want 2016 to end, how much they hate it… loathe it…oh the drama. Drama, drama, drammmmaaaaaa.[…]

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Pour me a glass of Haterade: When people try to steal your awesome.

Feeling small. We’ve all been there. I get you. It doesn’t matter how you choose to live your life — Whether you build a business from the ground up,  work your little butt off; maybe you’re a homebody, you love to cook, you might run triathlons, choose not to go to the gym, adopt rescue dogs, save lives on a daily basis; perhaps you dedicate endless hours giving back and volunteering; you are the next Mother Teresa for all we know; But what I do know — whatever you do, or don’t do, someone will still judge you for it. I wear[…]

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Owning your Awesome: Being comfortable in your own skin.

Being human is definitely not an easy task- there are so many social and peer pressures all around us, asking us to be someone we’re not, pushing us to think that it’s not acceptable to be who we are. I’ve struggled for a big part of my life with that feeling. From being teased in grade school (I wore adidas track suits on a daily basis -it was like they sponsored my grade 5 to 7 years; had a side ponytail to the left and big curly bangs to the right, not to mention an uncontrollable eagerness to answer every single question[…]

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Maybe Age Really is JUST a NUMBER

Last week, two colleagues of mine were in town working on a project. As visitors to Thunder Bay, they asked me where a “happening place is that serves different beers;” as I started listing off some pubs and restaurants, I caught myself saying “it was a cool place when I was young”…instantly adding the “er”… youngerrrrrr, to complete my sentence followed by the defensive comment- “I am still young.” I just turned 32 this past weekend. It sounds nice, thirty-two.  Age is supposed to bring wisdom, intelligence and beauty, so why is everyone so afraid of it? Age to me IS[…]

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Put more spring in your life: Clear out the clutter

As we bid adieu to winter, and jump for joy that it’s spring, it’s one of the best times of the year as far as I’m concerned. Goodbye mitts, boots and wool-knit sweaters. I am so beyond over you! Helllloooo sunshine, warmer temps and longer days. Spring represents new beginnings, a desire for a fresh start. We emerge from hibernation, go outside and breathe in the fresh crisp air while exhaling the longest winter EVER! (Thank god it’s over! It is over, right??!!) Spring is the time of the year when a lot of people start exercising (as the time bomb[…]

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Today we celebrate! Happy Anniversary Bay Awesome! Cheers to a year of writing, sharing and just simply Bay’in Awesome!!! I like writing, but I have discovered over the past few years that I really love blogging and writing about things that make me buzz, raise my eyebrows, and make me feel energized. It’s  pretty neat when you discover what you’re passionate about in life. There was a moment when I was writing, that I completely forgot about the outside world, felt in the zone, my soul pouring onto paper… I found my happy! Pay close attention to those seconds in[…]

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I have to be honest…I’ve lost my AWESOME.

I am in a slump. Yes, the woman who writes to you about being awesome and annoys you with post after post of motivational and inspiring quotes, is in a slump, and even worse, can’t get out!!! It’s true, even the most motivated of us — you, me, Oprah Winfrey — can feel unmotivated at times. In fact, sometimes we get stuck in such a slump that even thinking about digging our way out seems too difficult, even impossible. I have to admit, I’m feeling pretty low about myself. It’s gotten so bad, that at this point I’ve  worn a[…]

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